Transport to and around Virunga National Park

If you booked your package directly with Virunga (via, all transport once inside DRC, including inside the Park, will be provided for the duration of your package.

If you booked your package through a DRC tour operator, you are free to organize your transport within Goma and to and from the Park, with them.

Getting to Virunga

International Travel

Visitors to Virunga can land at Goma Airport. Ethiopian Airlines, JamboJet, and numerous domestic airlines land there. We advise you to book a night in a hotel in Goma on the day you arrive as flights are frequently delayed.

Landing in Kigali is also an option. The car journey to the Congolese border then takes around 3 and a half hours. Virunga National Park can’t arrange your transfer across Rwanda for you but our team would be happy to put you in touch with trusted companies that can organise a car for you.

